Process and Organizational Design
The world around your business is changing, your business self has evolved during the years, you are on a growing path, you just acquired a new company and want to merge or integrate it into the existing organization or you need to resolve some challenges that have come up.
No matter what drives your need to change your organization or your way of working, we can support you with our toolbox and the vast experience we have gained over the years.
When it comes to process and organizational change, you can't just see it as a singular event. You need to make sure to look at the full picture: starting with your business needs and your overall strategy, we guide you in defining the right processes, structures and solutions leveraging our proven toolbox. Moreover, we support you in the implementation of the defined taget picture throughout the organization.
Executive Search
Together with our Partners from Incontro, we can offer the complete spectrum from internal search and selection process (where the main focus is on placing your internal talents in the right spot in your new organization) to a full blown recruiting process, including external search.
No matter where on the scale you would like to position the process, you can rest assured that it will be structured, predictable and delivered through quality, efficiency and passion.
With Incontro as our partner we can offer you a strong team with more than 30 years of experience within executive search and a strong network in the market. Incontro´s processes and tools are certified and they can look back on a strong track record in this field.
Once it has been decided that part of the re-structuring includes a reduction in headcount or that whole departments shall be closed, it is crucial that the employees affected by the measures are taken care of in a respectful and professional manner.
Doing it the right way will also have a positive impact on your employer brand in the market (and internally), and will help you avoiding "bad press".
Applying our proven methodology, we guide each employee through the different steps in this process. Leading from orientation through self assessments to identification of and supporting with the next steps - developing the individual application strategy, finding the right channels, developing the materials (e.g. CV, social media profiles) and preparing for interviews with individual coaching.
Change Management
Humans don't always feel comfortable with change. We like when things are just the way we are used to. So when change is inevitable, everyone goes through the frequently cited valley of despair.
In order to get through this dip of productivity faster, thus benefitting from the intended change even faster, we can help you managing this process with our well-proven change management approach.
The steps on the way to successfully managing change start with recognizing the changes in the broader business context, continue with developing the necessary adjustments for your company, training your employees in the relevant changes, and finally gaining the buy-in of your staff by convincing them of the benefits of the adjustments.
Throughout the journey, we will apply proven templates and tools (e.g. stakeholder analysis templates, workshop moderation techniques, communication templates, training tools etc.).
Business coaching is also often referred to as executive coaching, corporate coaching or leadership coaching and can also be seen as a type of human resource development for business leaders. It provides positive support, feedback and advice on an individual or group level to improve the individual's effectiveness in the business setting, many a time focusing on behavioural changes through psychometrics or 360-degree feedback.
As coaches, we help our clients advancing towards specific professional goals. These include career transition, interpersonal and professional communication, performance management, organizational effectiveness, managing career and personal changes, developing executive presence, enhancing strategic thinking, dealing effectively with conflict, and building an effective team within an organization.
Research studies suggest a positive impact of executive coaching on workplace performance, and thus also on the company's business results.
Besides the classic coaching tools (such as assessments, 180/360-degree-feedback, Executive Coaching approaches), Mosheim Business Consulting and Incontro have co-developed a special program tailored to successfully mastering the first 100 days in a new job.
Organizational Development
The objective of OD is to improve the organization's capacity to handle its internal and external functioning and relationships. This includes improved interpersonal and group processes, more effective communication, and enhanced ability to cope with organizational challenges of all kinds.
It also involves more effective decision processes, more appropriate leadership styles, improved skills in dealing with destructive conflicts, as well as developing improved levels of trust and cooperation among organizational members - building down silos. These objectives stem from a value system based on an optimistic view of the nature of mankind — that humans in a supportive environment are capable of achieving higher levels of development and accomplishment.
So not only do we look into optimising processes and organizational structure, to be able to fulfil the purpose of your company and aligning it with your strategy (e.g. lean approach, ensuring a frictionless information flow between departments). We also look into the behavioural side of it in terms of values and culture, as well as how a given organizational structure or the appropriate segregation of duties influences the behaviour of the group.
HR Digitalization
HR Digitalization to us is more than just putting the data of your employees in an ERP system in order to slice and dice it for reporting purposes.
We take a more user centric approach to it and would like HR IT to be a vehicle of processes supporting both the HR community, managers as well as employees in a more efficient way than it does in many cases today.
We can support you in optimizing your HR IT landscape you already have, utilize new technology like robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence in order to relieve your employees from repetitive tasks and to enhance reporting by shifting focus from looking into the historical figures into supporting the business with predictive analysis.
With our many years of experience in rolling out HR IT solutions, we can support you to deliver your digital agenda within HR across all your locations.